Friday, January 2, 2015

How to Manage User Accounts through Command Prompt...
कमाण्ड प्राम्प्ट के द्वारा यूजर अकाउण्ट मैनेज करना।
Open cmd prompt with admin privilege... 
& run following commands.

net user lists all user accounts.
net user username details about specific user
net user username password /add create new user a/c
net user username newpassword change user password
net user username * /add create user a/c with hidden password
net user username /active:yes enable user a/c
net user username /active:no disable user a/c
net localgroup lists all groups
net localgroup groupname details of a specific group
net localgroup groupname /add create a new group
net localgroup groupname username /add move user to a group
net localgroup groupname username /del  remove user from a group

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