Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Start/Stop service with command

Command to stop a service
net stop service

Command to stop a service
net start service

To disable service
sc config servicename start= disable

To enable a service
sc config servicename start= demand

To make a service start automatically with system boot
sc config servicename start= auto

Note: space is mandatory after equal sign

To start Remote Procedure Call service with command
net start RpcSc

Printer related services:
net start browser
net start RpcSc
net start Workstation
net start rpclocator
net start spooler

Audio related services:
net start RpcSc                                                       Remote Procedure Call
net start AudioSrv                                                  Windows Audio
net start AudioEndpointBuilder                             Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
net start MMCSS                                                    Multimedia Class Scheduler

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