Sunday, June 12, 2016

How To Hide Your Secret Files Inside An Image

Steps to hide your secret files inside any Image!

Step1. At first from the desktop create a folder, name it CodingSec and then put some files. (For Example; put three music files)

Step2. Now suppose if you selected any three then compress those three files using WinRAR(see image). Once you created a RAR file name it as CodingSec.
Step3. Now just put one image as I had done, name it as Logo.jpg (file must be in JPG format). That’s it all done! Exit from that Folder.
Step4. Now Open CMD as Command Prompt from Start Type CMD hit enter. Now start typing as below listed, see image also for better understanding.
Type1: cd Desktop\CodingSec
Type2: copy /b Logo.jpg + CodingSec.rar Logo.jpg
Hit Enter
Type3: exit
You just created an image file that contains all the three files but not visible to anyone until and unless you open that image file using WinRAR Archiver.
If you don’t see your WinRAR Archiver then Choose Default Programs and Browse it to the Bottom of the Windows you can see WinRAR and from there double click to make that enable and open from that file.
Now you can see that your Image file size is increased.
Note: The Image file as Logo, you can move that file to any location of the computer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to install Linux / UNIX *.tar.gz tarball files

tar.gz also known as tarball, an archive format for electronic data and software. Most Linux tarball contains a source code for software. If you are new to Linux I recommend using apt-get, rpm and yum command to install all binary packages.
Tarballs are a group of files in one file. Tarball files have the extension .tar.gz, .tgz or .tar.bz2. Most open source software use tarballs to distribute programs/source codes.

# 1: Uncompress tarball

To uncompress them, execute the following command(s) depending on the extension:
$ tar zxf file.tar.gz
$ tar zxf file.tgz
$ tar jxf file.tar.bz2
$ tar jxf file.tbz2

Now change directory
$ ls
$ cd path-to-software/

# 2: Build and install software

Generally you need to type 3 commands as follows for building and compiling software:
# ./configure
# make
# make install
  • ./configure will configure the software to ensure your system has the necessary functionality and libraries to successfully compile the package
  • make will compile all the source files into executable binaries.
  • Finally, make install will install the binaries and any supporting files into the appropriate locations.

# 3: Read INSTALL / README file

Each tarball comes with installation and build instructions. Open INSTALL or README file for more information:

How to create and extract .tar.gz archive

One of the most common compression formats used inGNU/Linux and variants is tar.gz. A tar.gz file is nothing but a gzipped tar archive. These days users of GNU/Linuxsystem seldom have to use the command line to create or extract tar.gz archives. But it is a useful command to keep in your arsenal if you are a system administrator.

To create a tar.gz archive from a given folder you can use the following command 

tar -zcvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz source-folder-name 

This will compress the contents of source-folder-name to a tar.gz archive named tar-archive-name.tar.gz

To extract a tar.gz compressed archive you can use the following command 

tar -zxvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz 

This will extract the archive to the folder tar-archive-name. 

To eject USB drive in Linux

udisks command completely remove and power off any usb device mounted or attached in the system unmount command just unmount the partition ie: dev/sdb1 or whatever but the usb is still present in the system.
So is not the same unmount, eject and detach
udisks = power off the usb
umount = just unmount the partition not the whole pendrive
eject = the same or very close to umount command
udisks --detach /dev/sdX where (X) is the last letter of your usb device. It works fine on any linux system.

diskutil eject /Volumes/<LABEL>

sudo eject /dev/sda

umount <mount point>         To see mount point user mount command